
Monday, May 5, 2014

Star Trek Sexy Spotlight - Klingon Female

Klingons don't fool around when it comes to fooling around.  The proud warriors of the galaxy - first seen in Gene Roddenberry's 1966 Star Trek - definitely know how to play fiercely in the bedroom.  Simply put:  Klingon females seem far more liberated when it comes to sexuality than most other humanoids.  On Star Trek: The Next Generation, this sex speculation was clearly illustrated.

Michael Dorn played Klingon Worf.  On the episode, Hide And Q, Will Riker (Jonathan Frakes) imbued with the godly power of Q (John DeLancie) gifted Worf with a lusty Klingon female.  Riker gave his friend a horny mate.  Worf seemed torn - even upset - but it's a clear bet to any that if Riker had gifted him the gal in private, he'd have let off some Klingon steam.

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