
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Those Uniforms

Starfleet defines elegance, simplicity and effectiveness.  It prowls the galaxy in enormous warp powered Starships which boast a clean, economical look combined with spectacular performance.  After all, the crew of the Enterprise may work hard, but they are known to play even harder.  Of course, all that work and play demands the best possible uniform.

With the dawning of The Next Generation on syndicated TV in 1987, we saw the return of Starfleeet's finest strutting around in one piece uniforms. Yeah, sure, they looked great, but the form fitting numbers weren't exactly forgiving for those Enterprise foodies who over indulged at the replicator.  That fat fashion faux pas plus no pockets - yup, pockets will be obsolete in a few hundred years, you'll see - made for actors who weren't very fond of their costumes.  By third season, we got a two piece, snazzy version of the uniforms, and Patrick Stewart's legendary 'Picard Maneuver' shirt straightening ritual was born.

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